2025 Division FTX
Contact: MG Buford Compton buford.compton@royallaoairborne.org
Cost: $20.00 T-Shirt (SIZE)
2025 Dates – TBD
Belhaven, NC
Royal Lao Jump School
Earning your Lao Jump Wings is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences that you will ever have in your life. If you are not airborne qualified you will need to complete 5 static-line jumps. If you are already airborne qualified you will need to complete 1 Jump.
Upon successful completion of your training you will receive 1 set of military orders, 2 Royal Lao Airborne certificates (one in Lao, one in English), 1 jump log book, 1 Royal Lao Airborne numbered challenge coin, and 1 set of subdued wings for your uniform. You may purchase wings for the Class “A” and Class “B” uniforms, Dress Blues, or duty uniform.
Royal Lao Parachute Wings are on the DOD list of approved foreign awards. Reference: Appendix D Foreign Badges (extract: 13 Sep 18), Chapter 9 Foreign and International Decorations and Awards to U.S. Army Personnel, Army Regulation 600-8-22 Military Awards, dated 25 June 2015.
LTG Amos Hykes
864-320-2857 – cell phone

Jungle Operations Training Course
Contact: CSM Harry Streich harry.streich@royallaoairborne.org
Cost: $350.00
NOVEMBER – 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ocala, FL
Please contact CSM Harry Streich for additional information.
The Royal Lao Airborne Jungle Operations Course will provide practical training for hot and humid climate operations. Training will focus on operations in jungle environments and instruct students on dangerous reptiles, water crossings, jungle survival, night operations, and other related topics.

Contact: COL Allen Thomas allenthomas@royallaoairborne.org
Cost: $300.00
2025 Dates – TBD
Location, Bellhaven, NC
RAIDER stands for Rapid Assistance in Disaster and Emergency Relief. The purpose of the RAIDERS is to be first respondents for both man made and natural disasters. RAIDERS are the best of the best and go through extreme rigorous training that conditions them both physically and mentally to meet any challenge. Raiders Skills learned during the RAIDER course include: advanced land navigation, Search and Rescue, Reconnaissance & Damage Assessment, Landing Zone Operations, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Communications and Survival in harsh conditions.
Click Below for Application

RLA Learning Academy
The Royal Lao Airborne (RLA) Academy is now offering mission-oriented online courses. Peruse the Academy Web site and familiarize yourself with the available blocks of instruction that will not only enhance your RLA career, but perhaps prove valuable in civilian life as well. You are encouraged to check in often to see what new courses are added. Equally, we look forward to hearing from you about future courses you would like to see. And remember:
The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.
MEMS Training
The Military Emergency Management Specialist (MEMS) Academy is a program established to give State Defense Forces and Civil Authorities the ability to obtain credentialing in the field of Emergency Management. The MEMS Academy Program is supported by the State Guard Association of the United States (SGAUS). The MEMS Academy Program is comprised of three qualification levels: Basic, Senior, and Master. The MEMS Academy Program also has a designation for those who participate in an actual incident response.
Veterans Services
Every veteran who served with honor deserves to be recognized.
Some of the services we can perform include:
- Funeral / Memorial honor guards
- Color guards for parades / civic events
- Service support and helping hands for disabled vets

Desert Training
Contact: COL John Rumple john.rumple@1txmbrla.org
Cost: $200.00
2025 Dates – TBD
El Paso, TX
Please contact COL John Rumple for additional information.
Meals – There will be hot meals provided during the course, lunches will be MREs/equivalent.
Laundry – There will be laundry runs made.
Safety Info – There will be plenty of sand, this might cause havoc on contact lenses. Glasses are preferred. There will be plenty of prickly plants, therefore you may need your tweezers or first aid kit.
Weather – Be prepared for extreme hot and cold environments, August can be the wettest time of the year for us.
Click Below for Application
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